
Friday, October 25, 2013

Kichmandala update

Hi everyone....

I had a bit of an issue with loading up the photos.. so hopefully its ok this time..

please leave a comment or please ask any questions

continue.... yes this piece is taken a long time many hours already and still many to go... my daughter asked me the other day how many hour had I done and I couldn't say just a lot..

  here are just some more photos..

As you can see the circle has got large by adding different borders around it.... this is were you use you imagination and you can do anything and you are designing your own patterns... if you get stuck just browse and look at other designs for ideas 


This is my latest photo... I will add some close up photos of the patterns that I have used...

as you can see I still have heaps to go but it will look great framed and hanging in my dining room

don't be afraid of having a challenge and try something different

Continue Kichmandala

Hi everyone...

I hope you all have had a good day... the weather here in Mount Gambier Australia had been crappy.. windy and very wet all week were is spring so need so nice weather..
Yesterday was my second daughter Bo birthday so myself and our other daughter Megan and the grandchildren went out to lunch it was very nice... did a bit of shopping ... like I need anything..

anyway I'm home and have put tea on and thought I had time to write on my blog..

hope you have checkout the earlier post..


I played around with pencil until I got the design I was happy with... I think the hardest bit is filling the sections in.... remember the light medium and dark shades you need a good balance..

I usually like to fill in one section at a time don't get too far ahead of yourself.  because your always work quiet close up to the piece walk away from it and then look at it from a distance it will help you achieve the balance better

 I love doing the details its so much fun watching your work come to life.....

to be continued...

in the next round I will be extending the circle





Thursday, October 24, 2013

My lastest Piece Kichmandala

Hi everyone....

I'm going to share with you the piece i'm working on at the moment... it's quiet large and it's for my new kitchen diningroom......

 This photo is the very start of my art.... you need a pencil ( one that is quiet light and will rub out easy).. A rule and a compass and also a protractor... once you have done that layout then its time to start the work...

This next photo is just a closeup of the corner
you need to have patience with this work, especially when working on a large design.
Starting the design can be very difficult but just use your imagination and see what you come up with... some time I start by doing the design in pencil then I see if that is what I wanted and if i'm happy with it then I go over it with pen.... and then you can if in some dark and medium..
When I talk about dark and medium.. ( dark is filling in with a solid black)
 ( medium is using fine line work with a no. 1 pen)
This next photo shows the actual size
so I hope you enjoy was I have shared with you so far and don't be afraid of a challenge...
and I will load up some more of this design either later tonight or over the weekend
I would love some photos from those that are using my work for inspiration..  email them to me on

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Hi everyone...

Yes I'm doing a few Post today, making up for the days I haven't..

I love circles... so the design I'm sharing with you is all about circles, plus I'll add another circle design at the end of this blog..

 this design i'm sharing turn out really well the photos i'm loading are a bit of a step by step... I take a lot of progress photos as I go..

1. first I use a compass and a light pencil.... once I've worked out the layout then it's time to start..
this one shows the pencil lines...
2. even thought in the last photo I started the filling in,
I usually do the pen outline of the circles next

3. As you can see I've done a circle at a time

4. doing a circle at a time allows you to get the right balance of light and dark

5. The final one... I loved how this design turned out..
its great to challenge the mind and see how many patterns you can create of your own...
I tend to create as many as my own patterns as I can but sometimes you can have a blank so the I'll pop on to pinterest and have a browse

I hope that you are happy with the way I'm doing my blog... I'm very new at this, I like things to be simple and easy
As you can see with this design I did the same by doing the circles first in pencil then in pen and then its time to fill the in.... this design I called Feeling Lonely...
Why you say well let me explain... this  drawing reminds me of many different people in a crowd we are all shapes and sizes and are very different in many ways... can you see the little one on its own well he knows everybody in this crowd but still feels left out and very lonely... we have all felt that at times...
thank you for check out my blog please leave a comment and share with your friends..
have fun Tangling

Add some colour to your Designs

Hi everyone..

Adding Colour looks great.. you can use anything from colour pencils to coloured markers and even paint, its all up to you.

I will be sharing with you a design I did back in May, I played around using a pattern form a quilting book then just added my touch and plenty of tangles

1. I started this design by drawing the heart and the vines I decided the design need more so I added the large leaves. I filled in with pen then pencilled in the rest to see if I was happy with it... I decided that I would do a patchwork look

2. as you can see I did the pen work for the rest

3. Time to add some colour... I used colour pencil which I love the look off

4. then I started the tangles in the spaces I used a balance of dark and light so
that it didn't look too heavy

5. here is a couple of close-ups

I love using colour even though mostly  my latest work is all black and white..

This next design is one of my favourite

1.  I have a passion with circles and flowers so I decided to combine the two.. yes I used a compass to do my circles because I can't draw that good.. I always start with it pencilled first then do the main pen work with a no 5 or 8..

2.  now it time to start to fill in this design and I use a very of size pens fron a no. 5 to a .05

3. As you can see I did the flowers first then finished the circles with different tangles.

4. Can't fine the other photo but this finished one shows everything anyways.. I love the contrast of the black and white with the soft colour from pencils.

so as you can see adding colour can just finish off a design...

Kitchen Reno update

Hi everyone...

What a week its been.. the kitchen is nearly all done... just a couple of finish touches and then the tiling and it will be all mine to play with... it's been very exciting... and stressful at the same time.. you know what it's like when you pick everything and have the plans you just hope you've done the right thing... well I have I just love it... I will start of with before shots and a few photos as we go and the hopefully by the tomorrow final shots.....

Here are some photos of my original kitchen.... yes I know it looks fine but it is 30yrs old and as we are renovating the house this is the last step and time to go... the sad bit is that I had to sell my beautiful dresser for the new kitchen layout... I had a very country looking kitchen the new one is going to be more classic

now for some photos of what we had to put up with for a couple of weeks.. and yes I got my hands dirty and helped where I could to pull out the original kitchen.. Pete done a great job pulling done the kitchen...


and here is a photo of me ripping down the tiles..
so there is lots of dirt and dust to deal with  my hay fever is not happy..
the kitchen is not quite finished the tradesman was suppose to be here today to finish it off  waiting on the bulkheads and the display units,  but no it won't be till tomorrow ahhhhhh frustrating just want get it all put together
so I will put up pictures soon

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Just a chat and a few designs

Hi everyone..

sorry I haven't been on lately... have been very busy with the new kitchen and also working on a large design for my dining room... it has been taken up most of my free time.. I will soon be loading up some pictures I've taken of my latest piece...

so I hope you all have been tangling lots...

I thought I would just add a few photos of some previous work...

these photos are of some pieces I did on a plane flight to Canberra..... so great to do a small art pad and a couple of pens.. great to fiil in those long hours of flying..

this  first one is one of my favourite.. simple but very affective  .. these two photos shows you how this design was done..
first I pencilled in the design I wanted and then I used a number 8 pen to do the out line and then used a fine  number1 to fill in the scrolls.... you then used a number 2 or 3 to add some depth...

and as you can see the back grounded I crosshatch to fill in the blank spaces

I also played around with some different patterns with this heart design

this leaf design was fun to do...

as you can see there is so much you can do with Zentangles...
you can make the design  simple or very complicated