
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

New World

Hi everyone.....

How is everyone this day... I'm still feel crappy with this cough... not good

Anyway today I'm sharing a Design I did that had a theme to it, I had joined art group online and we had to do a drawing representing God's New World... it was a verse taken out of the bible..

So I hope you like it and I will share my interpretation of this theme at the end of this blog..

As usual I start my work of with a circle.. and everything in this drawing has a meaning.

The Mandala in this drawing is the New World
I remember sitting for awhile thinking about what to do and how to make it to look interesting
And the finished piece came up really well and I was very pleases with it... being I hadn't been doing this type of work for very long..
The New World
The verse in the bible talked about the New world for God's chosen people..
So this is my repetition of that verse..
Starting with the Mandala which is the New World and happy place full of life
the streams of small circles represent his chosen people joining the New World
And the Lighting  represent the sickness, hurt, war, famine and destruction
that will no long be apart of this New World
The Rain Drops represents the tears of his people... they will be also left behind..
So this New World will be full of love, laughter, rejoicing and acceptance no body will be better than anyone else and we will all be equals
So that is my version of the New World
I hope you like it
Please leave a comment..

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Hi everyone....    

As you know i'm fairly new at this blogging... so I would love it if you could all share this blog with your friends.... I would love to get some followers

So tonight I've decided to share a design I did awhile ago early Sept 2013 and I call it Kaleidoscope.. I remember having one as a child and looking at all the beautiful patterns

I have just a few photos of this one
I first did a pencil design then went over it with a no.8 pen

then its time to do some detailing... this is my favourite bit.. I could do this for hours
working out what to do is just looking at some patterns or just make them up as you go...
I don't very often look for them I do what I like
this next photo is very clear but it shows you how much work there is in it...
I love complicated work and I just challenge my self all the time
A closeup so you can see the details
when I filling in my work sometimes everything seems to  be just too much the best way is to get up walkaway and then look at it from a distance to see if the balance is bring it alive
Final photo of the complete work.. as I look at it, it feels like its moving
hope you are enjoy.. what I have to show..
please a comment

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mandala Fest

Hi everyone..

This is the last post for a couple days...

So as you have already worked out I love doing Circles.. any kind actually

this latest one was inspired by a tattoo artist.. I love his work so I'm inspired by his layouts have used a few of his layouts but do my own style of work....

this design I enjoy heaps but then I enjoy them all...

These photos are taken in steps
1. Doing your outline and guide lines

2. I pencilled in my patterns first then used no.5 unipin pigma ink pen
time to fill in the design

3. As you can see I repeated the design so it didn't matter which way it went

4. A close-up of the details

5. Nearly finished

6. another close up

 this design would look great in a larger frame..
I'm thinking of having it printed larger for my home
love this one..

You too can do this... just pick up a pen and give it a try..
My next piece of work is going to be with squares and maybe a circle or two

Mystical Mandala

Hi everyone,

When I decided to do this piece it was inspired my another artist... I have loaded up the original at the bottom of this page..

I don't believe there is anything wrong with using other artist work as an inspiration as long as you acknowledge them .

My design is fairly similar but defiantly not a full copy..
 I welcome anyone to use my designs to inspire your own work... that is how I got started..

I hope you like what I have done... I love working on Mandalas.
they look beautiful and so mystical.. I have kept it very simple.

By the time you add the detail in the Mandala it comes to life
love it.. as you can see with the close up photo
Now for the rest.. I only use a few different patterns and repeated them..
I love the finished design... one of my favourite..
 my daughter decided to claim this one for herself...

 I hope you all enjoy my Blog page and that it inspires you all to
try something different...
so I have loaded up the original design so you could see the difference..

#87 Growth by Danielle J. Scott (Smith)
 This design is by Danielle J. Scott

Pick up Sticks

Hi everyone...

Yes I'm catching up on some post...

The next one was fun to do.. it reminded me of a game I use to play as a child.. Pick up Sticks..

As you can see in the first photo it looks like a bunch of sticks..
I bet you wondering how to draw this.. well
1. first draw a line in any direction using a ruler.
2. then draw another line directly under it, making sure it is evenly spaced.
that makes your first stick
3. then you do the same thing and place your next stick in another direction
 making sure you go across the other stick you have already done
4.when you draw your line make sue you don't go across the other stick
you want it to look like its laying underneath
5. once you have done as many as you want, it should look like the photo below
this is were the fun starts always ... you can use any patterns
you can use my pattern to help but its better if you use your own
this is were the imagination works and you get so much pleasure out of it

so the sticks are finished and time too fill in the spaces
you can leave them blank if you want or fill the in totally black
or like the way I have.. it your choice

I hope you have enjoy this and try this simple design

Circles & A Challange

Hi everyone...

As you probably know I have been sick this week... so I'm board out of my brain... stuck home alone because my husband Peter choose this weekend to get away with his mates... that fine but why do I have to feel so crappy, so I can't even do a girly weekend.....

Anyway last week I did some new design. they aren't large.. that are about 19cm x 25cm... actually a really good size to work with.. you can have lots of details but they aren't going to take forever... most of the ones I'm going to show in the next couple of post have taken me about 7hrs......

this one i'm about to show from start to finish is very unique and tribal looking...

I will be adding a Challenge to you at the end of this post... please

I'm show the finished product first... it looks great framed in this black frame..
 sorry about the reflection in it.

so the next lot of photo are steps of this design coming together..
first I divided the page into four sections, then I used a compass and put in my circles with a verity of spaces between them.. then I rubbed out the pencil line where I put in my cross.. 
once you happy with the layout the you can pen in the lines you want to keep... with your circles it a great idea to pencil in some guide line using a protractor..
Then the fun begins...

A you can see I have repeated the design in each circle...
sometimes if I'm not sure what I'm doing I will use a pencil to do the pattern first
 and if I'm happy with that then I will fill it in.
Still making sure I have tones of light, medium and dark 
this will give you the perfect balance in your design..

As you can see I did my outer circles first before I added the guide line for the centre circle.
I was very happy how this turned out....
sometimes I have a picture in my head and
then I wonder how it will turn out..
I love the challenge of doing something different..
so don't be scared to do that....
A Challenge By using CIRCLES
Challenge yourself and share with me your design...
email  to me a photo and some details
and I will share the first 10 in a post

Kitchmandala finished

Hi everyone...

so sorry I haven't been on lately... first as you know I have finely finished the kitchen...
and now I have been sick with the dreaded flew.... ahhhh  don't ya hate that..

Anyway I finely got my design finished to hang up in the new dinning room... it looks great..

So the photos I will be showing today are the border close-up and then the final corner patterns and then the design complete and framed

these two photos show the border design the first one how I started it
 and the next its very intricate and detailed.. but looks great

These next two photo are showing the corners.. I love this pattern it's fun to do,
very fiddley filling in the tiny circles and it takes hours...
you need so much patience... yes I know I'm crazy  

These next tow photos show the other pattern I used in the corner of the square... I love circles
I use them all the time they are another on of my favourite..  the second photo really shows you how much work has been done... and yes it's nearly finished..
I so wanted to enlarge these next two photos but it doesn't want to work... computers ahhhh
I hate them sometimes.... so I hope you can see the finished product... i'm so happy how it turned out

this last photo show my artwork hanging up in my dining room  finely....
 as you can see it fairly large

So I hope you have enjoyed my work and decided to challenge yourself with
something a little bit different
Keep on Tangleing

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kitchen Finished


Hi everyone...

Yaaaaa the kitchen is finely finished... it looks great and I'm so happy with it..

I've had it finished for a couple of weeks now and I feel like its been there forever..

I want to thank the boy who installed it from Custom Kit Kitchens from Mount Gambier..
and also Jamie Day for patching my floor tile and doing my wall tiles..

I hope you all love it like I do...

My cupboards are an Antique White, my tiles are a soft latte colour which is taken out of the bench tops... my accent colour is Teal and turquoise..... The walls are painted Dulux Off White in double strength... 

I've gone with a very natural colour that way I can change my accent colour any time...

Since I took these photos I have painted the legs of my dining table and I'm debating
weather to paint my dining chairs 
I finely have my dream kitchen